Daily Libra Horoscope November 19 (19/11)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

November 19


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 7/10

How often do we find ourselves breathing sighs of relief when we discover weve been saved from a potentially troublesome or annoying situation? Probably more frequently than wed admit to ourselves! We can all recall times when we experienced a delay or an obstacle and discovered we had a reason to feel grateful for a plan going awry. If youre not already experiencing something similar, then youre about to. You could actually like this delay or distraction.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

The sky speaks of criticism making itself known in your world and although this could be coming from a certain person, its equally possible youre being a bit too critical of yourself. In truth, it appears you have nothing to apologize for and, if anything, you might have actually been integral to a particular development happening that was long overdue. Dont be too harsh on yourself and if someone else determined to make you feel bad, then ignore them.


summary libra weekly

Star 10/10

This week, it appears something is about to make sense that hasnt made sense recently. A way forward is about to present itself thanks to Mercurys link with Jupiter in your sign. It might appear as a Eureka Moment but, in truth, what youre likely to experience will be the result of trying and failing in the past. Enough apparent failures might have understandably caused you to forget trying further. This week, expect to be impressed with what you finally make happen.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

This month, the sky speaks of a Eureka Moment that awaits you. During coming weeks, something will click or suddenly make sense in ways it hasnt of late. Most Eureka Moments arrive out of the blue and often at irrelevant times but not this one. You have likely been focused intently on what has puzzled you or had to watch from a distance to try and piece together a situation or scenario with limited information. Expect soon to have all the information you need.


health libra daily

Star 10/10

Quite often one can hear you complain about not knowing which voice to listen to. There is no "right" or "wrong", but you, among other signs, are often fooled into thinking so. This is really the main issue for you: accepting the uncertainty in life. To help you acquire security in this insecure world, it is important to ground yourself in a consistent exercise regimen. The benefit is psychological as well as physical. Consistency and discipline will set you free!


health libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

Keep this in mind - there are big planets out there doing a dance and you are but a fleck of celestial dust! Drop some of your bigger concerns and focus on what you can do today to improve your health (lots of drinking water, daily exercise, rest). A personal sense of well-being is the priority here. Give way to change and the adjustments will be much easier to take; stand in the way of change and you will feel pain and disappointment.


health libra weekly

Star 7/10

You want to look your best. A healthy glow is one of the most attractive things about a body. You know that. Youre eager to drop any excess weight and achieve a wonderful, toned appearance. It helps to put in the effort to get your diet right. It will take time, but its well worth it.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

Jupiters ongoing presence in your sign suggests optimism and renewed vitality, which can be positive no matter what health issues you may have. And Neptune is still a potent factor regarding your overall well-being. This is the time to learn to shape your thinking so that it reflects the idea of being as well and happy as possible. When it comes to exercise, you may find swimming or dancing to be an activity that you really enjoy. You need something that allows you to flow and be spontaneous, and both of these can do that.


love libra daily

Star 7/10

You will have the urge to express how you genuinely feel about the latest person in your life. You do have a tendency to hide your real emotions, but today you feel like saying it like it is, and this may do more to cement and strengthen the current bond than any of the more outrageous tokens of your affection you may have demonstrated lately.


love libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

Its time to put on that wonderfully romantic outfit, rather than your usual attire of black and more black. You may also decide to take off your dark glasses, and remove that stony smile from your face, which makes it hard to tell whether you are happy or have a problem with some part of your anatomy. For once just be in love!


love libra weekly

Star 9/10

You have a lot to offer, and your social calendar should be full, so why no plans, or at least nothing that youre looking forward to? Relax. Youre just in a rut, and things should pick up soon. You really love chatting up new people over the weekend, and you might meet a new love interest at a crowded party, wedding, or work event. You could go there solo, but the odds are good that you wont leave alone!


love libra monthly

Star 7/10

Venus enters serious-minded Capricorn on November 11, and you exhibit a cool approach to love. If you care about matters of the heart, speak up. People cant read your emotions through your somber exterior. Ethereal Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle on November 19 and your vision gets blurry. Its not that you have blinders on, but you dont have the ability to gloss over details that have been keeping you from moving forward with a new relationship. A Jupiter/Pluto square on November 24 has you second-guessing some of your love-related choices, but regret is worthless. Learn from past mistakes and move on.


career libra daily

Star 10/10

Pay attention to details instead of just carelessly skipping over them. You are good at seeing the big picture of things, but today it is extra important that you notice the little things. These details will make all the difference in the long run.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

A cosmic shift happens today that will have a profound effect over the next three weeks. During this time, you need to be especially mindful of your home and family. If you have stability there, you will have stability in your work.


career libra weekly

Star 9/10

This isnt the time to make a realistic assessment of your situation. Get as much done as possible early in the day. There can be unexpected delays and roadblocks as time goes on. Take a deep breath and keep your sense of humor. This period can bring important contacts. The energy will help your organization present its product or service. You may be standing on the sidelines of a boss or worker meltdown.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

You could receive a bonus or impressive job perk at the start of November. Being rewarded for your performance gives you renewed confidence. If youre looking for work, explore opportunities that pay a commission. Your wit and charm will make you one of the most successful individuals in the organization and your paycheck will reflect this. Toward the end of the month, youll have to deal with a colleague who says one thing and does another. Keep a record of all your communications. If your boss wants to know the source of confusion, youll be able to demonstrate it.



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