Daily Sagittarius Horoscope February 22 (22/02)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

February 22


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

A buy now, pay later scheme might be attractive but hidden clauses could exist that will make you regret an investment that relies on credit. Its also possible you might decide to throw financial caution to the wind and splurge on something that you would normally show a bit more restraint toward. Pleasure youre seeking could come, literally, at a price so be careful.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

You have fantastic support to help you overcome a fear of failure in a certain area and instead of assessing whats logical or practical about what youre keen to accomplish, your imagination could be fired to help you think bigger and bolder than you have in a while. This is a time when aiming high can help you to achieve a better result than playing it safe would ever accomplish.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Mercurys link with Saturn in your sign has very persuasive implications. Whether words coming from a certain person are persuading you to do as youre being told or youre convincing yourself to take action in some way, try to step back and recognize how and why you dont need to be subjected to such pressure. You dont need to follow in ways you believe you must. Its only fair you make a decision without levels of unhelpful pressure coming your way to do so.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

From as early as the 3rd, something delightful can occur in your love life as Venus joins Mars in your solar sector of true love and creativity to work in tandem to bring heartwarming developments. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th encourages you to broaden your mind, through an educational pursuit, travel or maybe both. Its the Solar Eclipse on the 26th that brings a delightful and timely shift where something connected with your home or a family member is concerned.


health sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

The decisions you make everyday end up determining the path you take, so why not slow down a bit? I\m not suggesting you come to a full stop - so don\t head for the couch! But it would be a good idea to clear the excess clutter -i.e. seemingly large looming problem that really, once you get a little perspective, are details - out of your head. Active meditation is a good way to accomplish this. Try committing yourself to yoga, or at least deep breathing exercises three times a week. You will notice those big decisions seem to take care of themselves, as if by magic.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Let\s keep filling your bathroom cabinet up with important tools in the mission of deep relaxation! Do you have a bottle of Lavender essential oil? This is one of the favorites of massage and aroma therapists the world over. Lavender soothes the skin and, when inhaled, settles the mind. Essential oils are easily found in health food stores. Put 3-4 drops in a hot bath at night. Alternatively, put one drop on your pillow and expect one of your best night\s sleep ever!


health sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Stay calm if you want to avoid high blood pressure or tension headaches. If you can adjust your attitude accordingly, life will be much easier and your body will function more efficiently. Your health is in your hands - or your head. The happier you are, the more your body will respond. Keep smiling!


health sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

With Venus, your health planet, dancing into lively Aries on February 3, you might go all out to enjoy yourself. This liberating blend of energies can lower stress and leave you feeling relaxed and much more upbeat. Taking time out for fun activities, competitive sport, moving your body, and getting active is very important for you in the weeks ahead. Recent weeks may have been a more meditative and reflective period, and now it\s time to get out and about. Don\t worry so much about diet and exercise. Just love life instead.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Don\t allow a love interest who appears to be smothering you with an appearance of caring concern stop you from doing what you need to do today. The planetary alignment today means that you need to take the initiative and begin to let them know that while you appreciate their support, too much of it is actually cramping your style, and stopping you from expressing your true unbridled nature.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Although you and your partner (current or prospective) generally have no problem getting along, you may find that the current planetary alignment seems to dampen your romantic enthusiasm somewhat. This may be a good opportunity to take some time alone to reflect on what you both want out of your lives and your relationship with each other, and this alone may enable you to strengthen your commitment.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Are you unsure of your next move? A little indecision when it comes to love isn\t anything to be afraid of. Be open to the possibilities of what lies around the next corner. Money does matter (perhaps more than it should) this weekend, and you may encounter someone who is either overly impressed or noticeably underwhelmed by your bank account. Numbers shouldn\t matter. It\s what\s inside that truly counts.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

Your love life heats up when Venus enters like-minded Aries on February 3. The passion you feel can\t be denied, so why not just admit to it already? As soon as you do, you can take the next step. A trying Mars/Pluto square on February 22 stirs up old feelings, and before you know it you\re checking out an ex\s social media account or driving by their house. Do you really want to go backward? Sometimes the past is best left alone. Mercury enters deeply emotional Pisces on February 25, and you might begin to question some recent romantic decisions. Don\t let your daydreams obscure reality.


career sagittarius daily

Star 8/10

The atmosphere around the workplace has a very different quality today than it did yesterday. People are more serious and emotional. Take this into account as you interact with others. Tread lightly or you may hurt someone\s sensitive feelings.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You are tempted to move ahead with something even though you know deep down that this is not exactly the smartest thing to do. Two parts of your personality are in conflict with each other, making it difficult for you to proceed. Hold back for now.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Now your people skills support work goals, and you can have a good time in the process. This can help ease stress when you still may be feeling that things aren\t entirely under your control. These are excellent days to build teams or improve customer relations. Anything beautiful or harmonious should be especially easy to sell. Even though you may not have everything you want, do your best with the resources you do have.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

A Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could mark the end of a rigorous travel schedule. Although you\ve enjoyed getting paid to visit different places on the map, you\ll be excited to stay in one spot for an extended period of time. Use this opportunity to catch up with friends and family. Having a supportive social network will advance your career success. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 might prompt you to shift your base of operations to home. Working from your own space will dramatically increase your productivity. It will also help you avoid toxic colleagues who have a way of sapping your energy.



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